How to Join AAUW

Join AAUW  With Community Hub, you can store a payment method to renew. You can update your address, email and educational information for branch records.

Prefer to mail a check? Complete our branch membership online form, then send check payable to AAUW-ODC, PO Box 9303, Chapel Hill, NC 27515.

Membership is valid 12 months from join date.

AAUW Membership includes Branch: $10, State: $11 and National Dues: $72

Note:  AAUW fiscal year begins July 1.

Students may join AAUW for a very small fee. UNC-CH student join for FEE (C/U Partnership). Trivia Question: What year was AAUW founded? Hint: Students pay only National dues of $18.81. No branch or state dues.

What does AAUW Membership DO? 

After you join AAUW, don’t miss out on the discounts and perks offered with AAUW membership!