Donate to AAUW-ODC

Please give to our AAUW-ODC branch scholarship funds

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or use the Donate button:  Donate

Prefer to write a check?

Write a check to: AAUW-ODC, PO Box 9303, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. Our branch is a 501c4 organization. As such, donations made payable to AAUW-ODC are not tax-deductible.

Direct Donation checks made payable to UNC, NCCU, Durham Tech or CCCC Foundation with AAUW-ODC in the memo line are tax-deductible and can be mailed to: AAUW-ODC, PO Box 9303, Chapel Hill, NC  27515. Our treasurer will log the donation and forward it to the institution on your behalf. Online direct donations may be made by following instructions here.

Head shot

Central Carolina Community College scholarship recipient 2022-2023 AY

Photo of Durham Tech scholarship 2021.

Durham Tech Scholarship inaugural recipient (2021)