Hoyman Honored as AAUW Regional Leader

Our outgoing (in personality and term of service!) President Michele Hoyman was honored April 24, 2021 at the AAUW- Greensboro chapter’s Member Appreciation Brunch as a regional leader for AAUW. Hoyman says the honor caught her by complete surprise! Jane Terwillinger our outgoing AAUW-NC President was the main honoree.  Other honorees were the Dean of the Nanotechnology Institute and the AAUW-Salisbury branch president. Congrats, Michele!


MICHELE HOYMAN, Ph.D., President AAUW Orange, Durham, Chatham Branch

Michele Hoyman is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member in the School of Government’s Master of Public Administration Program. Her teaching includes a variety of political science courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. She received her doctorate in political science from the University of Michigan in 1978.  She received an AAUW dissertation fellowship in 1978.

Previously she was President of the Industrial Relations Research Association St. Louis chapter of 550 labor and management practitioners and served two terms on the National IRRA bd.

She has been listed on the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service’s (FMCS) roster of arbitrators for over  thirty years. Since 2012, she has and served on several railroad industry arbitration panels through the National Mediation Board (NMB). She is currently President of the AAUW-ODC branch. She is a 1967 Grimsley High School (Greensboro, NC) graduate.